VCP-310(VMware Certified Professional on VI3)考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和VCP產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實VCP-310考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對VCP VCP-310(VMware Certified Professional on VI3)考試原題完整覆蓋。VCP-310題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,壹次不過全額退款。
VCP VCP-310(VMware Certified Professional on VI3)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和VCP產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實VCP-310考題,全部附有正確答案。所有購買KillTest VCP-310 題庫的客護都將得到60天的免費升級服務,保證了客護的壹次通過率。KillTest IT認證題庫網助您壹次通過VCP VCP-310考試。VCP-310考試題庫部分考古題如下:
1.Which of the following is benefit of ESX Server 3i over ESX Server?
A. Memory Over commitment
B. lncreased Security and Reliability
C. Dynamic Resource Allocation
D. lmproved Fault lsolation
Answer: B
2. The incorrect application shaping setting can affect network performance of___.
A. traffic only between virtuai on the same vSwith
B. traffic only between virtuai on different vSwiths on the different ESX Servers
C. traffic only between virtuai on different vSwiths on the same ESX Servers
D. general network traffic.including non virtual machine traffic
Answer: D
3. Which parameters are required when creating an NFS-based datastore in ESX Server?
A. NFS server CHAP.NFS shared folder name.datasrore name
B. NFS server LUN UUID.NFS shared folder name. datasrore name
C. NFS server hostname. NFS shared folder name. datasrore name
D. NFS server woeld wide Node Name.NFS shared folder name. datasrore name
Answer: C
4.You have decided to install VirtualCenter on an existing Windows Server running an application that is accessed throughstandard HTTP and HTTPS
Connections.ports 80 and 443.What will you need to do in order to successfully deploy VirtualCenter?
A.You must move the application to another server but keep IIS installed and running on ports 80 and 443 for use with SDKclients.
B.You must change the VirtualCenter Web Service port to 905 if SDK clients will be used.
C.You must specify alternate VirtualCenter Web Service port during installation and manually specify the alternate portswhen connecting with the Virtual infrastructure Cliient
D.No additional action is required
Answer: C
5.Which of the following can be configured or modified form the Resource Allocation tab of aDRS Cluster?(Choose Two.)
A.Memory reservation for child resource pools
B.CPU reservation for any virtual machine in the cluster
C.Fixed or Expandable Reservation Type for any virtual machine in cluster
D.CPU reservation for child resource pools
Answer: BC
6.A virtual machine (VM) residing in a resource pool is exhibiting poor performance.and appears hung, The resource pool in which it residees is limited to500 MHz of CPU The clus pool resides has a total of 6000 MHz. with 1000 MHz available.
Which step can be used to increase the performance of the VM?
A.Increase the CPU Limit on the VM
B.Increase the CPU Reservations on the resource pool
C.Increase the CPU Limit on the resource pool
D.Increase the CPU Reservations on the VM
Answer: C
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