Certified Advanced Technical Expert 000-237考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和Certified Advanced Technical Expert產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實000-237考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對Certified Advanced Technical Expert 000-237(hacmp for aix 5l)考試原題完整覆蓋。000-237題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,一次不過全額退款。Certified Advanced Technical Expert 000-237(hacmp for aix 5l)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和Certified Advanced Technical
Expert產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實000-237考題,全部附有正確答案。所有購買KillTest 000-237 題庫的客戶都將得到60天的免費升級服務,保證了客戶的一次通過率。KillTest IT認證題庫網助您一次通過Certified Advanced Technical Expert 000-237考試。
1.Continuous availability is required for an application in a twonode cluster. There is one rotating resource group in the cluster, and the nodes are identical machines. Client telnet connections to the application cannot be broken because it takes 20 to 30 minutes to recycle the client workstations and transactions will be lost. What configuration best provides continuous connectivity to the application?
A.IPAT using IP Replacement without MAC address takeover.
B.IPAT using IP Aliasing and hardware MAC address takeover.
C.None because continuous telnet connectivity cannot be provided with HACMP.
D.Shared service IP address assigned to multiple network interface cards on each node.
2.An existing cluster has an application node and a database node. Changes in the application require both nodes to have access to the other’s data all of the time. Which facility managed by HACMP can be implemented with the least amount of impact?