Leahy Agreement

Leahy Agreement: What is it and Why is it Important?

Leahy Agreement is a process established by the US government to vet foreign security forces in receiving aid, training, and equipment from the United States military. The agreement is named after its creator, Senator Patrick J. Leahy from Vermont, who authored the amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

The Leahy Law, as it is commonly known, requires the United States government to carefully screen the human rights records of foreign military and police personnel and units before they can receive assistance from the US government, particularly in the form of training and equipment. The law mandates that the US Department of State, the Department of Defense, and other US agencies to investigate credible allegations of gross human rights abuses committed by foreign military and police units and individuals. If credible evidence surfaces that a particular unit or individual has engaged in serious human rights violations, the US government is obligated to suspend all assistance to that unit or individual.

Why is the Leahy Agreement Important?

The Leahy Agreement is essential because it helps ensure that US taxpayer funds are not used to support brutal, authoritarian regimes around the world. By granting aid, training, and equipment to foreign military and police units that respect human rights, the US can help promote peace, stability, and democracy globally.

Additionally, the Leahy Law has become a crucial tool in promoting democracy, good governance, and human rights worldwide. The law helps to hold foreign governments, militaries, and police officers accountable for their actions and strengthens the rule of law.

The Leahy Law also promotes transparency and accountability in the US foreign aid process by requiring that all US agencies involved in foreign assistance to conduct due diligence before providing aid. This means that the US government must verify that the foreign security forces have a clean record of human rights practices before granting aid. The Leahy Law also requires that the US government share its findings with Congress, which provides oversight and accountability over US foreign aid programs.


The Leahy Agreement is a critical tool in promoting human rights, democracy, and peace worldwide. The law ensures that US taxpayer funds do not support gross human rights violators around the world. It also promotes transparency and accountability in US foreign assistance programs. The process is a testament to Senator Leahy`s commitment to human rights and has become an essential aspect of US foreign policy. As the world continues to grapple with human rights abuses, authoritarian regimes, and conflicts, the Leahy Law remains indispensable in promoting US values abroad.